Abandoned Shopping Trolleys

Shopping trolleys are the responsibility of the business they belong to and must not be abandoned on a road or in a municipal place. To report an abandoned trolley, please click the below links or call the below numbers depending on which company the trolley belongs to:

Kmart:  1800 876 553

Target:  1800 163 900

Coles Trolley Collect:  1800 876 553


Woolworths:  1800 641 497 (Trolley Tracker)



Unless otherwise authorised by Council and/or at premises licensed under theLiquor Control Reform Act 1998, a person must not consume any alcohol or have in their possession any alcohol in an unsealed container at any time on a road, car-park, in a motor vehicle (parked on a road or in a public car-park) or on Council land affected by such prescription, unless otherwise permitted under an Act.

Animals/Domestic Birds and Poultry

A permit may be required to keep Animals/Domestic Birds and Poultry depending on the type of animal, size of land and number of animals. See Pets & Animals here.

A person in charge of a dog in a public place must carry the means to collect faeces deposited by the animal and also remove and hygienically dispose of the faeces deposited by the animal.

Any person in charge of a dog must ensure the dog is secured by a chain, cord or leash except, in an area prescribed by Council as an 'off leash area' where the person must keep the dog under effective control at all times.


A permit must be obtained from Council to busk in public. Apply here.


A person must not camp on road, road related area or Council land except in an area prescribed as an area for the purpose of camping.


Without a permit, fireworks displays or ignition of fireworks on a municipal place or public place is prohibited.

A permit must be applied for at least 14 days before the proposed fireworks display. Apply for a permit here.

Open Air Burning and Incinerators

Unless approved under an Act or otherwise prescribed by Council - a person must not light a fire in the open air in either the urban area or on Council land, unless - the fire is for the purpose of meal preparation or personal comfort and accords with the conditions in section 38A(1)(a) of the Country Fire Authority Act 1958;

Smoke and ash from open-air burning is becoming less acceptable due to health and amenity concerns and alternatives to burning are encouraged, such as mulching and re-use of wood.

Recreational Vehicles

Except in an area prescribed as an area for the purpose, a person must not on road, road related area or Council land cause, allow or suffer a recreational vehicle to be used.

A recreational vehicle is described as a wheeled or tracked device ordinarily used for recreation or play and propelled by a motor that is not an auxiliary motor.

Removal of Wood

Without a permit, a person must not collect wood from a road reserve. To obtain a roadside wood collection permit and make payment, please either: 

  • Apply online via our Greenlight portal here.
  • Drop into our offices at 18 Roberts Ave, Horsham VIC 3400.
  • Download an application form here(PDF, 48KB).

Note: Wood cannot be collected from any road within town boundaries or any Vic Roads managed roads. See our 'Who's road is this' map here.

You are also able to collect firewood for free from a designated collection area within  State Forests. This does not require a permit, however collection is only permitted within the designated area and time period, collection rules and limits apply. For more information, please contact the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action or visit https://www.ffm.vic.gov.au/firewood/firewood-collection-in-your-region.

Street Parties/Festivals/Events

A permit must be obtained to conduct these events on council land, council may even be able to help promote your event.

See Permit applications here or Planning for an event here.

Toy Vehicles

For the safety of everyone, skateboards and the like must not be used in the Horsham Central Business District.

Trading Activities

Without a permit a person must not display, sell or offer for sale, any vehicle or goods including raffle tickets, on a road or municipal place.

Apply for a permit here.