Horsham South Structure Plan

A Structure Plan is being developed for Horsham South to ensure that the area develops in a coordinated way.

About Horsham South

Horsham South is an area of 4,540 hectares encompassing residential, industrial and commercial land south of the Wimmera River and surrounding Haven.

Planning for growth

Horsham South is facing challenges related to planning for growth and associated infrastructure. While the area has been growing at a relatively slow rate of approximately 0.2−0.5 per cent per annum, the ad hoc nature of development in recent years has placed pressure on services and infrastructure, created land use conflicts and impacted the valued character.

The area is also affected by heavy vehicle movements along the highways, reliance on a single road connection into Horsham, as well as poor public transport and limited active transport connectivity.



Council recently sought feedback on the Draft Horsham South Structure Plan between Monday 28 October and Friday 13 December 2024. 

Draft Horsham South Structure Plan(PDF, 54MB)

Submissions received during this time are now being considered in order to finalise the structure plan.

Horsham South Project Timeline

Strategic Directions and Emerging Options Discussion Papers

The outcome of Stage 1 was the development of a Vision Statement, Strategic Directions and an Emerging Options Plan. Two rounds of engagement occurred taking place in November 2019 and September 2020.  This phase of the project was to inform the scope and of Structure Plan and key areas to be addressed before it is drafted. The Strategic Directions are as below.

Strategic Direction 1: Coordinated growth that respects the existing character of the area.

Strategic Direction 2: Appropriate interfaces between land uses.

Strategic Direction 3: Interconnected transport networks that is continuous, safe and efficient.

Strategic Direction 4: Accessible social and community facilities.

Strategic Direction 5: Efficient use of existing and new services (water, sewer and drainage).

The Emerging Options Plan graphically illustrates the planning intent for future urban development of land in Horsham South. It identified the high level direction on future land uses including locations with preferred residential lot sizes, employment land, areas for further investigation (light industrial transition areas), a potential retail hub, major infrastructure considerations, key connections, important local features and open space.

Strategic Directions Discussion Paper(PDF, 45MB)

Emerging Options Discussion Paper(PDF, 22MB)

Community Feedback on the Emerging Options Plan

Key things we heard during the first phase on consultation:

  • Haven is its own distinct community and should not be considered an extension of Horsham township
  • The preference for a diversity of lot sizes and lifestyle blocks
  • The importance of consolidating smaller sized blocks around Haven primary school to ensure growth is sympathetic to existing residential character and maintains amenity local residents value in low density and rural living areas.
  • Consolidation of lots around Haven primary school in order to maximise existing social in fracture and justify future investment in those existing facilities and the provision of new.
  • The structure plan must address land use conflict between industry and residential areas.
  • The need for an alternative truck route to reduce amenity impacts heavy vehicles have on residential areas and local streets.
  • The structure plan must provide improved public transport services and safe cycling and pedestrian connections.
  • The potential for local convenience in Haven close to Haven Primary School.
  • The importance to protect and sensitivity integrate areas of Aboriginal cultural heritage sensitivity.
  • The structure plan must addresses servicing infrastructure including sewage treatment, roads, open space and community facilities to support future urban growth. 

Emerging Options Plan Community Engagement Summary Report(PDF, 3MB)

Technical Background Reports completed

Expert knowledge was sought on a range of technical matters including analysis of industrial land use, drainage, servicing, land contamination, traffic and transport, biodiversity and bushfire risk.

Along with community aspirations and feedback, these high level technical reports have helped us to develop the Draft Horsham South Structure Plan.

The reports are available here:

  • Industrial Land Supply and Demand Assessment
  • Preliminary Drainage Assessment
  • Catchment A Concept Stormwater Strategy
  • Water and Wastewater Services report
  • Potentially Contaminated Land Assessment (summary only)
  • Issues and Opportunities – Transport report
  • Desktop Biodiversity Assessment
  • Bushfire Assessment.

Future Urban Structure Developed

Drawing on the key findings of the background reports and technical advice, a high level land use draft illustrating the location and indicative amount of land for housing, employment (industrial and retail), transport networks, open space, recreation, servicing infrastructure such as drainage and community facilities.

Key agencies were consulted with to ensure the plan accurately reflects their requirements and future directions.

Brochure: Draft Future Urban Structure (November 2023)(PDF, 3MB)

Community feedback on the Draft Future Urban Structure

Council received a significant amount of feedback during the consultation period, including 27 submissions. 

All of the issues raised have been considered during the development of the Draft Horsham South Structure Plan. 

Submitters will receive a personal response outlining our response to the matters raised and a summary of some of the key issues raised, as well as the community engagement more generally is included in the Future Urban Structure Plan Engagement Report(PDF, 2MB).

Draft Horsham South Structure Plan

The Draft Horsham South Structure Plan(PDF, 2MB) has been prepared to provide guidance on Horsham South’s future growth direction. The purpose of the Structure Plan is to set a high-level vision for the area and outline next steps for its implementation. 

The Draft Structure Plan was developed in consultation with stakeholders, including the community.  

It responds to analysis of the existing context, technical investigations undertaken for the subject site, state and local strategic policy, the statutory context (existing zones and overlays) and recent and concurrent strategic projects.