Food Business Registration
Due to legislation, Council's Environmental Health Officer must inspect a food premises upon opening and when transferring ownership.
Please contact Council's Environmental Health Officer if you wish to open a new food business.
If you are purchasing an existing food business, Council will require a written request for a transfer inspection from the purchasing solicitor. Once an inspection has been completed a report will be sent through with the Transfer of Registration form.
Single Food Permits
If you only conduct food handling activities once or twice a year within Horsham Rural City Council you can obtain a single event permit. This permit applies to Class 2 and 3 activities only.
A single event notification is required for Class 4 food handling activities and can be submitted via the FoodTrader website.
Download a permit form and return it to Council to apply for a single event permit.
Class 2-3 Single food permit form
Fees(PDF, 89KB) apply for registration of a Class 1, 2 or 3 food business and community groups.
Class 4 Notification for Fixed Premises
All Businesses that sell food for human consumption must be registered with or notify Council in which their business operates or is primarily located. Certain foods and activities have been deemed Class 4 activities and only require notification to Council. For fixed premises' undertaking Class 4 activities, please complete the below form and provide it to Council as notification. There is no prescribed fee for a class 4 premises.
Class 4 fixed premises notification form.