Tiny Towns Grant Program - Round 2

Mitre Hall.jpg

The Victorian Government has launched Round 2 of the Tiny Towns program to support local projects in the state’s smallest communities.

The Tiny Towns Fund aims to enhance the quality of life and attract more visitors to towns and communities with a population of up to 5,000 people.

The fund offers grants between $5,000 and $50,000 for projects that deliver infrastructure, facilities, and capability-building projects for our small communities.

The fund is open to applications from incorporated not-for-profit community organisations and Councils.

The second round of the fund is now open and will close on Friday, 25 October, 2024.

Please note: Applicants that were successful under Round 1 are ineligible to apply for a project in the same town under Round 2.

For more information and to apply for the fund, visit the Regional Development Victoria websiteor call 1800 878 969.


Community groups who have a project or activity that involves Council owned land or Crown Land managed by Council will need to have the application auspiced by Council. 

The Tiny Town Fund Guidelines also state that Community groups who are not incorporated or do not have an ABN will need to be auspiced by Council.

If you need Council to auspice your organisation for this grant opportunity, the first step is to lodge an expression of interest online with Council by Monday 7 October 2024.

If you have any questions about the EOI process please contact:

  • Mandy Kirsop – Co-ordinator Recreation and Open Space – 0408 826 727
  • Susan Surridge – Co-ordinator Community Relations and Advocacy – 53829776.

Please note: the guidelines state that a maximum amount of $50,000 per town will be applied for Round 2 to enable an equitable geographic spread of funding.  Council will take this into consideration when agreeing to auspice grant applications.