Community Grants Program

Central Park Tennis Club members Sharon Clough and Keith Starick (web).png

The HRCC Community Grants Program allocates funding to enhance and support the many different not-for-profit community groups in the HRCC municipality.

Our Grants program has changed for 2024/2025

Community Grants will be allocated through four (4) separate grants streams, each with unique funding rounds, guidelines, application forms and reporting requirements.

Please make sure you read the new guidelines before making an application.

Grant funding streams

Community Development Grants - RECIPIENTS ANNOUNCED

This stream allocates funding to help not-for-profit groups in the Horsham municipality to improve facilities and work together for more engaged and healthy communities.

Applications for the 2024/2025 round closed on Monday 4 March 2024.

At the Council Meeting held on 27 May 2024, Council approved the following community grants and donations for inclusion in the 2024/2025 budget.

Community Grants(PDF, 81KB)

Community Donations(PDF, 67KB)

How to claim a successful Community Grant allocation

Grants of less than $1,000 will be automatically paid to the grant recipient in October 2024.

Grants of $1,000 or more require a Completion Report with the following documentation attached and forwarded to Council:

  • Substantiation of your group’s expenditure on the project in accordance with the grant application (for example, a copy of a supplier’s invoice to your organisation)
  • An invoice from your organisation to Horsham Rural City Council requesting payment of the grant.  Your organisation’s invoice should not include GST as the contribution is considered a donation under GST law
  • A photograph of your completed project.

Please submit the Completion Report online here.

If you have any queries regarding payment of your grant, please contact Karen Maybery, Coordinator General Accounting Unit, on 53829733 or

Please note all donations must be claimed prior to 30 June 2025.

Community Event Grants - RECIPIENTS ANNOUNCED

Council's Event Grants Program helps not-for-profit groups in the municipality deliver inclusive community events for our Horsham Municipality. 

Applications opened 1 May 2024 and closed 31 May 2024. 

List of successful applications 

A total of 25 events have received funding totaling $69,960.

There will be no second round of funding made available in November as the annual funding has been exhausted in the first round.

List of events funded(PDF, 53KB) 

How to claim a successful Community Event Grant

To claim you event grant please submit the Completion Report online here and attach the following documentation:

  • Substantiation of your group’s expenditure on the event in accordance with the grant application (for example, an Income and Expenditure report for the event and copy of a supplier’s invoice for all expenditure items greater than $1,000)
  • An invoice from your organisation to Horsham Rural City Council requesting payment of the grant.  Your organisation’s invoice should not include GST as the contribution is considered a donation under GST law
  • Photographs of your event which may be used by Council to promote the Events Grants Program.

If you have any queries regarding payment of your grant, please contact Karen Maybery, Coordinator General Accounting Unit, on 53829733 or

Please note all donations under Round 1 must be claimed prior to 31 December 2025.

Event Grant Guidelines(PDF, 1MB)

Youth - NOW OPEN

Youth grants aim to support community activities and projects that benefit young people who live, work or study in our municipality.

Grant funding through this stream will start from 1 July 2024.

  • Minimum grant request is $200.
  • Maximum grant request is $2,500.

The funding priorities for the Youth Grants stream align with Council’s Youth Strategy. 


Youth Grant Guidelines(PDF, 633KB)

Quick Response Grants - NOW OPEN

The Quick Response Small Grants stream aims to support urgent and short-term requests for funding support from not-for-profit groups within our community.

Applicants should first consider if they can apply within the timelines of other grant programs (refer 1, 2 or 3 above). If these timelines are restrictive, applicants may apply for a Quick Response Small Grant.

  • Minimum grant request is $200
  • Maximum grant request $1,000

The funding priorities for the Quick Response Small Grants stream align with the key priorities of the current Council Plan, Youth Strategy, Community Inclusion Plan and Age Friendly Communities Implementation Plan.


Quick Response Grants Guidelines(PDF, 970KB)

Business Enhancement Support Program - NOW OPEN

The Business Enhancement Support Program was established to provide funding support to existing businesses. This grant opportunity will open on Monday 1 July.

Find out more