How to write a successful grant application
Grant writing is a skill that gets better with practice. There are some useful tips to remember when writing a grant application that will help you be successful. The most important of these is to plan and scope out your project well before starting the search for grant funding.
In 2023, Council hosted a grant writing workshop with presenter Keith Whelan (The Grants Guy). Keith is a grant seeker, writer, assessor and presenter with a wealth of experience in all things grants.
Can Council auspice your grant application?
At times some grants programs, particularly those offered by state and commonwealth governments will require an application by local government on behalf of community groups.
Before deciding to auspice a grant application on behalf of a community organisation, Council will consider the project's benefit to the community, financial risk and alignment to the Council Plan and other plans such as community plans. Council is under no obligation to auspice a grant. If Council decides to auspice a grant on your organisation's behalf, Council will have ultimate responsibility for grant management and a number of key steps need to occur. Refer to the Horsham Rural City Council Grant Resource Kit(PDF, 189KB) for further information.
Information to support grant applications
When writing a grant application, the following websites contain information that may help support your grant proposal:
HRCC demographic information
Remplan economic profile for Horsham
Remplan economic profile for the Wimmera
If you require assistance, please contact Susan Surridge, Co-ordinator Community Relations and Advocacy on 5382 9776 or