Emergency management resources


Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership

Horsham Rural City, together with Hindmarsh, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack Shire Councils have signed a resource sharing partnership agreement to provide their communities with safer response and co-ordinated relief and recovery to all emergencies. The Wimmera Emergency Management Team has prepared a range of resources to help you plan and provide for an emergency. 

Plan and prepare for an emergency

Wimmera 72 website
Wimmera 72 provides important links and relevant information for locals and visitors to our region when disaster occurs.

Are you emergency aware?(PDF, 845KB)
You never know when you might be faced with a fire, flood or storm. This brochures provides you with important information to help you to prepare, understand the warnings and stay informed during an emergency.

Three steps to emergency preparedness(PDF, 376KB)
If an emergency happens, you should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours. This brochure provides you with a few simple steps to become better prepared to face an emergency anytime, anywhere.

Fire ready guides
Fire ready guides have been developed for Dadswells Bridge and Wartook because they are areas of EXTREME bushfire risk. Use these guides to help you and your family plan and prepare for bushfire. 
Dadswells Bridge fire ready guide
Wartook fire ready guide

Other languages (LOTE)
The following brochures have been prepared in Karen language:
Are you emergency aware - Karen(PDF, 1MB)
Three steps to emergency preparedness - Karen(PDF, 537KB)

For important fire safety information in other languages visit the Country Fire Authority website

For important flood and storm information in other languages visit the Victoria State Emergency Service website

Website links to help you to plan and prepare for an emergency:

Website links to help you plan for your pets during an emergency:






Important emergency information

Stay informed

Always use more than one source of information

Local news
ABC Local Radio (594AM), Ace Radio 3WM (1089AM), Mixx FM (101.3 or 98.5), Sky News TV

1800 226 226 (free call) or www.emergency.vic.gov.au
Download the VicEmergency app and set up your watch zone (Apple and Android mobiles and tablets)

Country  Fire Authority

Horsham Rural City Council
(03) 5382 9777 or this website

1300 606 024 (24 hours)

Park Closures
131 963 or www.parks.vic.gov.au

Road Closures
131 963 or www.vicroads.vic.gov.au

School Closures
1300 333 232 or www.education.vic.gov.au

State Forest and Public Land Closures
136 186 or www.mapshare.vic.gov.au

Weather Forecasts

Wildlife Victoria
(03) 8400 7300 (24 hours) or www.wildlifevictoria.org.au


For people who speak a different language
Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and request translated information from the VicEmergency Hotline 1800 226 226.
To translate important fire safety information in other languages, go to the Other Languages (LOTE) page on the CFA website.

For people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired
Contact the VicEmergency Hotline through the National Relay Service:
TTY - phone 1800 555 677, then ask for 1800 226 226
Speak and Listen - phone 1800 555 777, then ask for 1800 226 226
Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service.



Municipal Emergency Management Plan

The Municipal Emergency Management Plan documents the agreed emergency management arrangements within the Horsham Rural City municipality for mitigation, response and recovery, and defines the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders at the municipal level. It supports efficiency and effectiveness on a platform of shared responsibility and interoperability to deliver community centred outcomes.  The Horsham Rural City Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee is responsible for developing the Municipal Emergency Plan Plan.

If you have any comments, feedback or concerns in relation to the Municipal Emergency Management Plan, please contact the Municipal Emergency Management Officer on emergency@hrcc.vic.gov.au

2022-2025 Horsham Rural City Municipal Emergency Management Plan


Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan

The Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan documents the planned and co-ordinated implementation of measures designed to minimize the occurrence and mitigate the effect of bushfire. The Municipal Fire Management Planning Sub-committee is responsible for preparing and maintaining the Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan under the leadership and guidance of the relevant fire services, and to make recommendations to the Municipal Emergency Management Committee.
Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan 2023-26

If you have any comments, feedback or concerns in relation to the Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan, please contact the Municipal Emergency Management Officer on emergency@hrcc.vic.gov.au or 03 5382 9777.


Wimmera Emergency Animal Welfare Support Sub-plan

The 2022-2025 Wimmera Emergency Animal Welfare Sub-plan  is a sub-plan of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan for each of the four partner Councils who make up the Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership - Horsham Rural City and Hindmarsh, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack Shire Councils. This sub-plan is based on the principle of "shared responsibility" where the owners of domestic animals and livestock will have arrangements in place before, during an after an emergency to manage the welfare of their animals. 

The focus of this sub-plan is to prescribe the municipal co-ordination arrangements that exist to support agencies which have a responsibility for emergency animal welfare support. This includes:

  • Domestic animals (pets) – Local Government
  • Livestock – Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR)
  • Wildlife – Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly DELWP).

If you have any comments, concerns or feedback in relation to the Wimmera Emergency Animal Welfare Sub-plan, please contact the Wimmera Emergency Management Team on 03 5382 9777.


Wimmera Integrated Relief and Recovery Sub-plan

The Wimmera Integrated Relief and Recovery Sub-plan 2023-2026 documents how emergency relief and recovery services are coordinated and delivered at the local level for the four Partner Councils within the Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership. This plan also describes how emergency relief and recovery service support is escalated to the regional and/or state level when local resources are exhausted.

If you have any comments, feedback or concerns in relation to this plan, please contact the Chairperson, Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee on telephone 03 5382 9777 or email council@hrcc.vic.gov.au or the Municipal Recovery Manager on telephone 03 5382 9777 or email mrm@hrcc.vic.gov.au

Wimmera Integrated Relief and Recovery Sub-plan 2023-2026