Horsham Rural City Council is working towards being an Age Friendly Community.
We offer a range of programs and opportunities to support older people to continue living independently and participate in community life.
In this section are some of the opportunities to support people to stay healthy, well and living in the community.
Age friendly communities are places where older people live safely, enjoy good health and stay involved. Healthy ageing is the ability to live an active safe and socially inclusive lifestyle. In 2017 Horsham Rural City Council received a grant to support their development as an age friendly place.
When looking at the age friendliness of a place, we consider
- Public spaces that are accessible i.e. roads, footpaths, buildings, club rooms
- Public spaces including cultural venues and green spaces that meet a broad range of interests and needs
- Housing that is appropriate, meets older people’s needs and is affordable
- Transportation to enable people to stay independent and participate
- Social Participation opportunities that meet a broad range of needs and interests
- Opportunities to contribute that interest people including the opportunity to volunteer, work in paid employment.
See Horsham's Age Friendly Plan 2024 - 2027(PDF, 2MB)
WHO Age Friendly Checklist(PDF, 268KB)
The Older Persons Advisory Committee (OPAC) provide feedback to Council in relation to projects that impact older people in Horsham Rural City. The OPAC meet once a quarter and there are currently 12 active members involved.
The OPAC raise issues, discuss ideas and highlight the needs of all older people to ensure Council can effectively plan for Horsham Rural City to be an age friendly place.
Each OPAC term lasts for two years. For information on the application process and membership please look at the Terms of Reference below.
See the Terms of Reference(DOC, 91KB) .

Public transport
For information about public transport in Victoria visit the Public Transport Victoria (PTV) website for timetables, trip planning and Horsham bus timetable. Look under plan to find timetables and trip planner to plan a journey.
Public transport call centre
Call 1800 800 007 and select option 2.
Call centre staff can help answer your public transport questions. They can also help you plan your journey.
Horsham bus timetables
Timetables are also located on the Wimmera Roadways website or in hard copy from bus drivers at the bus stop in Roberts Avenue near the Coles supermarket.
The Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP)
This program makes transport more affordable for people with a severe disability. For information and eligibility criteria phone 1800 638 802 or visit the MPTP website.
Disability parking
A statewide Disability Parking Permit Scheme operates in Victoria. For information and eligibility criteria see the VicRoads website.
Application forms are available from HRCC Reception, 18 Roberts Avenue Horsham. Phone: (03) 5382 9777. The completed form must be returned to your local council.
Permit renewal: Each permit has an expiry date. Permit holders should contact Council prior to the permit expiry date to determine renewal requirements.
Community Transport
Transport to access your local community may be available through the Centre for Participation: Telephone 1800 952 211.
Several different services are available. For more information please visit Community Transport - Centre for Participation.
As we get older we want to remain independent. If you are blind or experience low vision there are a range of services that could assist you.
Vision Australia can offer the services, support and products to help you to continue to live your life on your terms.
Vision Australia website.
The following local and government based groups and agencies offer you to be active and connected to other people.
- My Community Directory provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Horsham area. Talk with HRCC reception for hard copy information: Phone: (03) 5382 9777
- Horsham U3A Phone (03) 5382 6654
- Horsham Aquatic Centre Phone (03) 5382 2576
- Senior Citizens Centres
- COTA Victoria is the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the interests and rights of people aged 50 plus in Victoria. Phone: (03) 9655 2100
- Mens Sheds Horsham and Natimuk. Phone: 1300 550 009 or see http://wimmerapcp.org.au/mens-sheds
- Seniors Online If you are aged over 60 and working less than 35 hours per week in paid employment or fully retired, and a permanent resident of Australia, residing in Victoria you can apply for a Seniors Card. The Seniors Card provides opportunities to access discounts on goods and services and free or concession public transport.
If you are looking after someone who has a chronic illness, mental health condition, physical disability, intellectual disability, or is addicted to drugs or alcohol, then you may be considered a carer. You may be looking after a child with special needs, a parent or other family member, a spouse or partner or a friend.
- If you are a carer, you might be able to access support services to help you in your caring role. Phone: 1800 422 737, visit the Carer Gateway website or talk to our Home Support Unit. Phone: (03) 5382 9715
- If you are caring for someone with dementia it may be useful to talk to Dementia Australia. Phone: National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500
- Payments for carers: The Australian Government may provide payments to people who provide daily care for someone with severe disability, a medical condition, or who is frail aged. Phone 132 717 or visit the Department of Health Human Services.
- The Companion Card is for people with a significant, permanent disability, who can demonstrate that they are unable to access most community activities and venues without attendant care support Victorian Companion Card Information Line: Phone: 1800 650 611
- The Carers Card provides discounts and benefits to carers. Phone the Carer Card team on 1800 901 958.
My Aged Care
You may need to check your availability to find out if you are eligible for My Aged Care services.
Visit the My Aged Care website for more information.
Call this number to discuss your needs with a friendly My Aged Care staff member - 1800 200 422.
Do you need help to stay at home?
For help with housing see the Victorian Government housing website
If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness phone 1800 825 955
Do you need residential care?
Residential aged care facilities are located in Horsham and Natimuk
Sunnyside Lutheran Retirement Village: Phone (03) 5382 0034
Ingenia Gardens: Phone (03) 5382 4105
Grampians Health - Wimmera Nursing Home: Phone (03) 5381 9307
Grampians Health - Kurrajong Lodge: Phone (03) 5381 9271
West Wimmera Health Service - Natimuk Centre: Phone (03) 5363 4400
Information on the safe use of motorised mobility devices can be found on the Vic Roads website.
Their dedicated webpage on motorised mobility devices helps people to:
- Decide whether a motorised mobility device is right for you.
- Choose a device best suited to your needs.
- Use the device effectively and safely.
- Access public transport.
- Know where to go to get more information.
Motorised-Mobility-devices-Fact-Sheet-5-Using-public-transport-in-Victoria.pdf(PDF, 756KB)
Advocacy is the process of standing beside someone and supporting them to understand and exercise their rights and have their voice heard on the issues that are important to them. Contact the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN). Phone 1800 700 600.
Elder abuse
Elder abuse is any act which causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust such as a family member or friend. The abuse may be physical, social, financial, psychological or sexual and can include mistreatment and neglect.
For help with elder abuse phone 1300 368 821 or visit the Seniors Rights website.
Translating and Interpreting Service
Call 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422.
National Relay Service: visit the Relay Service website to choose your preferred access point or call the NRS Helpdesk on 1800 555 660.
Fees and Charges
The Australian and Victorian Governments fund Home Support Programs so service providers can deliver affordable services to you. However there is a fee for each service.
What you pay is discussed and agreed upon between you and your service provider. Fees are updated every year.
For information on how service costs are calculated or for further information please call us on (03) 53829795.
Your feedback
We welcome your feedback. If you would like to give us feedback, please email us or phone (03) 5382 9715.
Aged Care Complaints
If you have a concern or complaint about an aged care home or services delivered in your own home through the Commonwealth Home Support Program, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission can support you. Phone 1800 951 822 or lodge a complaint online.