City to River projects


This project provides a suite of transformative projects that aim to improve, revitalise and link Horsham's Central Activity District (CAD) and the Wimmera Riverfront Precinct; making Horsham a more attractive place to live, work, visit and invest.


Updates to Draft Masterplan 

A period of public engagement for the Draft Masterplan was undertaken in July and August 2019.  The Horsham community, through 740 written submissions, raised a number of key discussion points and suggestions for changes.

In response to this feedback, at the 25 November 2019 Meeting, Council resolved to make amendments to the Draft Masterplan based on community feedback submitted during the public engagement period:

  • Show the Horsham Croquet Club as a regional facility in the Botanic Gardens with enhanced integration and connectivity
  • Show the lawn tennis courts in the Botanic Gardens with the existing footprint pending the outcomes of a review with the Horsham Lawn Tennis Club, Tennis Victoria and Sport & Recreation Victoria in the broader context of a proposed regional tennis facility
  • Remove the proposed lake from the Botanic Gardens precinct
  • Acknowledge the role of miniature railway in activation of the riverfront area and work with the Wimmera live Steam and Model Engineering Society to explore design options and operating model during the detailed design phase
  • Show a series of meeting places in the Central Activity District (CAD)
  • Undertake further work to identify the best site for the multi-sport precinct

Download the updated plan

Future Action

Council also agreed at the 25 November 2019 meeting to progress the City to River Masterplan by dividing the overall project into sub-precincts to allow for staged development through targeted community and stakeholder engagement.

An Action and Implementation Plan (available soon) has been prepared to address the Council resolution including:

  • Commence the detailed design for the riverfront improvements, including the splash park and site selection for the café/restaurant
  • Undertake an expression of interest process for the development and operation of the café/restaurant
  • Commence the detailed design for the City Oval and Sawyer Park area
  • Commence detailed designs for the key connection along Firebrace Street to the riverfront
  • Commence detailed designs for the CAD Revitalisation, noting that there are no plans to change the existing angle parking arrangements in the CAD. Any reconfiguration will be subject to further consultation with the business community and other stakeholders

Public Engagement Report

A total of 740 official submissions were received from our community on the Draft City to River Masterplan.  This is the largest response to any Council engagement process to date.

The Engagement Snapshot and the detailed Engagement Report are linked below: 

City to River Engagement Snapshot (6 pages)

City to River Engagement Report (55 pages)

Indicative project timeline


Further information

Individual maps in print friendly form:

Overall Map(PDF, 13MB)
South West Map(PDF, 1MB) 
South East Map(PDF, 5MB)
Central West Map(PDF, 5MB)
Central East Map(PDF, 4MB)

Artists impressions of key features: 

Water front view 1(PDF, 2MB)
Water front view 2(PDF, 2MB)
Firebrace St River Connection(PDF, 3MB)