Horsham Rural City Council (Council) gives notice under section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to sell land at the Wimmera Agricultural and Logistics Hub (WAL Hub), Henty Highway, Dooen as follows:
- Lot 3 (3.100 hectares) on plan of subdivision PS848949A (as shown below)
- Lot 4 (2.977 hectares) on plan of subdivision PS848949A
- Lot 5 (2.078 hectares) on plan of subdivision PS848949A
- Lot 6 (2.175 hectares) on plan of subdivision PS848949A
- Lot 7 (2.091 hectares) on plan of subdivision PS848949A
- Lot 13 (10.00 hectares) on proposed plan of subdivision PS928689F (as shown below)
- Lot 14 (30.26 hectares) on proposed plan of subdivision PS928689F
Council proposes to sell each of the lots separately on a private treaty basis on the following key terms:
- a purchase price of market value plus gst
- settlement will be due 30 days after the later of:
- the date of the purchaser’s planning permit; and
- registration of the plan of subdivision (if relevant)
- the sale will be conditional upon the purchaser procuring a planning permit within a specified timeframe to use and develop the land for any one or more of the following uses – manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution and export of primary produce, raw materials for food products, service industries and ancillary uses in accordance with the special use zone (SUZ).
As part of its community engagement process, Council is inviting submissions on the proposal. Submissions must be in writing and received no later than 5.00pm, Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and must be clearly marked ‘Submission – Notice of Intention to Sell Land – Stages 2 and 3, WAL Hub, Henty Highway, Dooen’ and can be either emailed to, hand delivered to the Council Civic Centre at 18 Roberts Avenue, Horsham, or posted to the following address:
Horsham Rural City Council
PO Box 511
Horsham VIC 3402
Submissions can also be lodged online.
Any person requesting to be heard in support of their submission is entitled to be heard before Council (or its committee established by Council for this purpose), or represented by a person acting on their behalf, and will be notified of the time and date of the hearing.
All submissions will be considered public documents unless specified otherwise. Submissions form part of the public record of the meeting (including any personal information you provide) and may be appended to any future Council report, which are then published on Council’s website.
Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from Council’s Acting Manager Investment Attraction and Growth on 03 5382 9777.
Following the consideration of any submissions, Council may decide to sell one or more of the specified lots or not sell any of the lots.