Expression of Interest - Aboriginal Community Round Table

No longer on display. Expired on 20 January 2024, 12:00 PM

Nominations are invited from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community members to participate on the Aboriginal Community Roundtable. There is currently a community representative vacancy on this committee.

The selection criteria for community representatives are those that:

  • Live, work, study in, or have a current connection to Horsham Rural City.
  • Have an understanding of the issues that impact Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and relations with government and non-government institutions in Australia.
  • Have a commitment to social justice and willingness to engage in dialogue on reconciliation.
  • Have strong community linkages with the ability to represent and engage with a broad-range of community views.
  • Are willing to constructively participate in an advisory capacity.

The ability to attend bi-monthly meetings is essential to being a member of the committee.

An information pack and nomination form are available by contacting Daniel Rees on : 0448 416 894  or email:

Nominations close 5pm on Friday 19 January 2024