Safety upgrade for Horsham Aerodrome
Published on 22 June 2020
Horsham Airport will benefit from upgraded runway lighting and a new backup power generator.
The safety enhancements were announced this week after Horsham Rural City Council successfully applied for $105,591 in Federal Government funding.
HRCC will match the grant dollar for dollar.
Infrastructure Director John Martin said the $211,000 upgrade would improve the airport’s useability under a range of conditions.
“In the event of a power outage, Horsham Aerodrome requires emergency power to ensure continuous availability of runway lighting and aeromedical services,” Mr Martin said.
“Currently there is a generator in place to provide emergency power to some parts of the aerodrome, but it is currently not big enough to power all of the runway lights and the aeromedical transfer services at the same time.”
The lighting enhancements will involve works to eliminate some mounding at the north end of the runway that is currently impairing the line of sight.
“The lights will also be re-installed to ensure they are high enough to be seen far enough along the runway,” Mr Martin said.
“The works will ensure Horsham Aerodrome is suitable for its continued purpose of providing essential services to the community.
“We thank the Australian Government for its contribution under the regional airports funding program,” he said.
The aerodrome is used by general aviation and the local aero club, two gliding clubs, crop dusting firms, charter aircraft, air ambulances, as a DELWP air base to support fire-fighting and occasional military aircraft.
Photo: Horsham Flying Club