Horsham to host interstate squash tournament

Published on 12 January 2024


Junior squash players from across Victoria and South Australia are headed for Horsham this month for a tournament expected to deliver a tourism boost for the municipality.

Horsham Rural City Council has secured hosting rights for the Squash Victoria Junior Silver Tournament for the next three years, with the 2024 competition on at Horsham Squash Club from January 20 to January 23.

The tournament is expected to attract more than 350 visitors to the city.

The event forms part of the Australian Junior Squash Tour (AJST), a series of junior squash events conducted in Australia that are eligible for an Australian Junior Ranking.

Participants from across Victoria and interstate will play out to secure ranking points.

Squash Victoria will be delivering three major components to this event:

  1. Battle of the Boarders Victoria vs South Australia on Saturday, January 20.
  2. Junior Open Section Tournament Championship round on Sunday, January 21.
  3. Junior Open Camp Clinic on Monday, January 22, and Tuesday, January 23.

Mayor Cr Robyn Gulline is looking forward to welcoming the athletes.

“The outcome from hosting this event is significant for Horsham as most participants will be staying between four to five nights,” Cr Gulline said.

“Holding major sporting events is something we do extremely well here. I am delighted that Squash and Racquetball Victoria has chosen Horsham for such an important event, and we look forward to them taking advantage of the amazing facilities, hotels, and cafes we have to offer.”

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