Cr Ian Ross: Get involved with our Community Vision
Published on 23 February 2021
Thank you to the community for your support and it is an honour to serve you. The time commitment is a challenge.
Just a reminder to the Horsham and regional community that it is vitally important that all of you have input into our Community Vision which feeds into the Council Plan and the future of our region.
And the call is out on HRCC website. As it says in all Council Plans, the structure is that the community are at the top of the top, and your views are important.
Underneath the community are the Councillors, who work for you and represent you and work together, and then next on the list is the CEO and then the staff and their role is to implement the policy set by Council from what you have to say.
So please have your input. Council also is proposing to have a review of all of its current committees, so have your say into that process.
Council is already using new technology to objectively analyse the road services using laser software.
This is exciting as areas needing remedial work can be targeted more effectively and hopefully there will be considerable cost saving so that more works can be done.
Also, with our proposed budget for the next financial year, we are working towards an increase in funding for rural road maintenance.
Hopefully, this will be enough resources to catch up on the maintenance required for our rural roads. This initiative was supported with objective analysis of our long term asset management.
Another exciting outcome is in relation to our Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange roofing system that has provided benefits to our regional farmers, stock agents and buyers, already.
It has shown an increase in livestock killing yields due to the fact that animals are not stressed standing around in extreme temperatures or rain and improved health and safety for the agents, public and buyers.
I have heard at the recent HRLE Committee meeting that these yards are probably the best on the eastern seaboard now, with three municipalities coming to inspect the yards this week.
A big thank you to the committee and staff for such a great outcome.
Hoping to help make this a better municipality for all.