Advocacy Priorities Horsham Rural City Council's priority capital works projects for government and private sector investment endorsed by Council at meeting 24 July 2023 HRCC Advocacy Booklet 2024.pdf(PDF, 10MB)HRCC Investment Ready Priorities.pdf(PDF, 5MB)
Annual Action Plan The Annual Action Plan details the actions being taken by Council to achieve the Council Plan goals. 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Annual Report Council must prepare a report each financial year on the Council's operations to include audited financial and performance statements. 2023-2024 Annual Report(PDF, 7MB) 2022-2023 Annual Report(PDF, 10MB) 2021-2022 Annual Report(PDF, 17MB) Older Annual Reports 2020-2021 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB) 2019-2020 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB) 2018-2019 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB) 2017-2018 Annual Report(PDF, 8MB) 2016-2017 Annual Report(PDF, 5MB) 2015-2016 Annual Report(PDF, 7MB) 2014-2015 Annual Report(PDF, 7MB) 2013-2014 Annual Report(PDF, 5MB)
Arts and Cultural Plan 2014-2018 Arts and Cultural Plan 2014-2018 Arts-and-Cultural-Plan-2014-2018.pdf(PDF, 821KB)
Audit and Risk Committee Charter This Charter sets out the Audit Committee's objectives, authority and responsibilities Audit-and-Risk-Committee-Charter-Jan-2025.pdf(PDF, 309KB)
Budget Council must prepare a budget each financial year which includes financial statements and a description of the services and initiatives to be funded in order to achieve the strategic objectives set out in the Council Plan. 2024-25-Budget.pdf(PDF, 3MB)2023-2024 Budget.pdf(PDF, 5MB)2022-2023 Budget.pdf(PDF, 4MB)2021-2022-Budget.pdf(PDF, 4MB)2020-2021 Budget.pdf(PDF, 4MB)2019-2020 Budget.pdf(PDF, 5MB)2018-2019 Budget.pdf(PDF, 3MB)2017-2018 Budget.pdf(PDF, 5MB)2016-2017 Budget.pdf(PDF, 3MB)2015-2016 Budget.pdf(PDF, 2MB)2014-2015 Budget.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
City to River Masterplan FINAL_CITY-TO-RIVER_Masterplan_January-2020.pdf(PDF, 25MB)FINAL_CITY-TO-RIVER_Background-Report_January-2020.pdf(PDF, 10MB)FINAL_CITY-TO-RIVER_-Sporting-Facilities-Demand-Assessment_January-2020.pdf(PDF, 18MB)FINAL_CITY-TO-RIVER_Technical-Report_May-2019.pdf(PDF, 13MB)