Documents Available for Public Inspection

In line with public transparency principles, Council makes available a variety of documents on our website to make them accessible to the community.

Conflict of Interest Register

Councillors are required to disclose all general and material conflicts of interest in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020 (sections 126-131) and the Horsham Rural City Council Governance Rules [chapter 5(3)]. 

In addition, Council's Public Transparency Policy and Freedom of Information Part II Statement states that a register of all conflicts of interest will be published on this website. 

The Conflict of Interest Register is updated after each Council meeting.

Conflict of Interest Register (Councillors)(PDF, 157KB)

Council Meetings - Agendas and Minutes

The Council Minutes and Agendas page includes agendas for, and minutes of, Council meetings held in the previous 12 months which are kept in accordance with the Horsham Rural City Council Governance Rules, other than those agendas and minutes relating to a part of a meeting which was closed to members of the public under section 66 of the Local Government Act 2020  and contain confidential information within the meaning of sections 3(1) and 125 of the Act. 


Delegations and Authorisations

The Delegations and Authorisations page includes a register of delegations kept under sections 11 and 47 of the Local Government Act 2020 for S5 Instrument of Delegation Council to CEO and S6 Instrument of Delegation Council to members of Council Staff.

Further information is available on request including a register of authorised officers maintained under section 224(1A) of the Local Government Act 1989 of authorised officers appointed under that section.


Donations and Grants

The Community Development Grants Program page includes a list of donations and grants made by Council in the previous 12 months, including the names of the persons who, or bodies which, have received a donation or grant and the amount of each donation or grant.

Election Campaign Donations Register

In accordance with section 307(2,3) of the Local Government Act 2020, the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that following a general election, a summary of each election campaign donation return provided to them is made available on Council's website.

Election Campaign Donations - 2020 Local Government Election(PDF, 48KB)

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register

In accordance with section 138 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council has adopted a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy which is intended to support Councillors and staff to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity and public trust.

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register


Health and Wellbeing Plan

In accordance with sections 26 and 27 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Council’s Health & Wellbeing Plan is embedded within its Council Plan 2021-2025.

Council-Plan-2021-2025.pdf(PDF, 6MB)


Details of leases involving land which were entered into by the Council as lessor, including the lessee and the terms and the value of the lease are available on request by contacting Council on email 

Overseas and Interstate Travel Register

This document contains details of overseas or interstate travel (other than interstate travel by land for less than three days) undertaken in an official capacity by any Councillor or member of Council staff in the previous 12 months.

The register includes details for the calendar year July to June.

Overseas and Interstate Travel Register 2024(PDF, 105KB)

Personal Interests Returns

Section 135 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed in the last personal interests return lodged with the Chief Executive Officer, and to publish on Council’s website and make it available for inspection at the Council offices.

Specified Persons include Councillors, Member of Delegated Committees, the Chief Executive Officer and Nominated Officers.

The summary must include:

  • Name of the Specified Person
  • Position of the Specified Person
  • Date the Return was submitted
  • All information disclosed in the Return excluding:
    • Monetary value or amount of income, shares, any beneficial interests other than shares or income, or any debt
    • The street address and number of any land owner by the specified person, or in which the specified person has a beneficial interest, if the land is the principle place of residence of any person
    • An Initial Return is required to be submitted within 30 days of commencement in a role. Biannual Returns are required to be submitted in March and September of each year.

      The matters to be disclosed in Personal Interests Returns are prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity Regulations) 2020.

      Summary-of-Initial-Personal-Interests-Returns-December-2024.pdf(PDF, 268KB)

    • The current Biannual Interests Return summary is available below:

    • Summary-of-Biannual-Personal-Interest-Returns-Sept-2024.pdf(PDF, 261KB)