Former Councillors and Mayors

Horsham Rural City Council

In 1993 the Kennett Government passed the Local Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill which resulted in council amalgamations across Victoria. In 1995 the City of Horsham merged with the Wimmera and Arapiles Shires to form the Horsham Rural City Council, making Horsham the seat of local government.

Horsham Rural City Council was established by an order of the Governor in Council on Friday 20 January 1995.

Commissions were appointed for 2 years until council elections in 1997.

Chief Commission:      Mr P.S. Fisher (appointed January 1995)

Commissioner:            Mr M.S. Dickson (appointed January 1995)

Commissioner:            Dr A.K. Gregson (appointed in March 1995)


Councillor Terms

To view listing of Horsham Rural City Council former Councillors and Mayors select

Past-Councillors-and-Mayors.pdf(PDF, 89KB)

To view listing of City of Horsham former Mayors select

City of Horsham Past Mayors.pdf(PDF, 116KB)